
American Sewing Guild "Sew In" is a Huge Success!

The DFW chapter of the American Sewing Guild held a six hour "sew-in" for Newborns in Need on April 26.  With the help of volunteers from NIN, they were able to complete 256 items (hats, quilt tops, receiving blankets, t-shirts, strip quilts, booties and more) in just one day!!!  And many of the participants took home extra materials to make additional items to bring in later.

Special thanks goes to Margaret Chance of the ASG for inviting us in for the day, to Katherine Thompson for coordinating our participation, selecting projects and ensuring we had materials cut and ready to sew for the event, to Wanda Singer, Lassie Smith and Marge Bessire who volunteered at the event setting up and teaching the ASG members our processes and patterns and finally to the many volunteers who helped cut and organize knit hats, booties, t-shirts and quilts in the weeks before the sew in.

This was a true community effort and a huge success and they hope to host another event soon!

Additional pictures from the day's activities: